4 pm and another downpour. if it were 6 deg instead of 26 I would think I was back in the UK ! Marula's lesions seam better, although she still shows discomfort while her medication is being applied, but there is much less puss now. Tabu's meds are still going without fuss, he is still showing much interest in the container, those bails must smell really good. Thembi enjoyed the mushrooms that Sunny collected. the trio depart for the bush once more.
From 4 till 5 I ran the generator to top up the batteries.
The mopane lads arrived just before 6 they are all very tired, but they did well, the road was very wet from the previous nights torrential rain. they did get stuck once and had to release the trailer in order to get free.
The trio returned to the boma and we all slept well, no rain last night, I could hear lion to the North, hippo to the West and Hyena quite close to the East as my eyes closed. The sun rise was good to see this morning, the first we could see for some days. We are all happy to see a break in the rain. The trio departed to the East this morning and after the boma was cleaned out Sunny is going to grease the tractor while Two and Moks make good the boma trenches once more, the rest of this morning they can clean up there tents, mess area and make any repairs necessary. Tent cleaning is on hold due to the weather.
At some point today Sunny & I will go to Stanley's Camp to get fuel for the tractor and I'll try and get some doom spray as I've found quite a number ants coming out of my MacBook today ! Not sure what they are trying to do in there, but I'm sure its nothing good.
I've just checked the camera trap and found the banded mongoose group in the camp, most likely the parents to the pups Leano & Amos found.
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