Saturday, January 30, 2010

Looking after Grey Matters camp deep in the delta

Deep in the delta all thinks are going well, the education area is now finished, and was inspected by the impala herd almost as soon as the guys had left. The trio are all doing well, they all had a good hose down after lunch as the mornings cloud had gone and it became quite hot, the various medications went without a problem and they departed with thunder clouds way off to the east.
We had yet another awesome sunset I took some photographs on the floodplain in front of camp, as I was returning to the kitchen area wild a elephant passed on the road and headed towards the water, he was in quiet a hurry and was probably one that had been chased recently.
The night was quiet with some distant lion roars way off towards the airstrip. during the night they came closer at one point, hyena tracks were in the camp this morning but nothing in the camera trap.
The trio departed this morning across the water, while Moks, Two & Sunny made a start on the next tent were the fire wood is stored.

enjoying the bush Stuart

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