looking after Grey Matters camp deep in the delta, there's a cobra in my kitchen
All is quiet deep in the Delta, although we did have some excitement yesterday. while the trio were still out on morning maneuvers, two & Sunny had just finished the small tent path & I was just relaxing with a cup of 'mens tea' the local banded mongoose arrived 10 or 12 of them. However 1 spotted me and the group changed direction. All was quiet, then I was checking some camera items in the container and moving back & forth to the kitchen when I saw a Mozambique spitting cobra, it hissed and made hast into the kitchen, I ran to the side of the kitchen trying to see were it went... but it had vanished. Sitting sill at the table finishing my tea I was hoping to see the snake leave as I couldn't see any exit track. About 45 min had passed and no sign of the snake I felt sure was still at large. I checked under the sink, the fire starter box, gas bottles, nothing. It was at this point I decided to ask Two & Moks for some help, the hunt was on, they checked all the places I had and the only place left was under the freezer, two lifted 1 side while I looked under (from a way back) and yes the serpent was coiled at one end. the freezer was turned off and some petrol thrown at the snake but didn't move, by now Moks was standing on a table armed with two mopane clubs and I felt pity for the cobra. it was given a prod with a tent pole and it made an attempt to escape but meet with a blow to the neck from Two, then a second just to make sure, it was dead. Two carried it off on the stick scared to touch it yet proud to have hunted the beast.
Peace resumed in the camp, and I cooked up the wild mushrooms the Amos had brought me yesterday, a sort of egg, mushroom & cheese omelet, very nice. The trio returned non the wiser of the mornings excitements.
The trio's second expedition of the day was a little late off the mark, however they had a good hose down and seamed in good spirits.
The moon was bright last night and all was quiet through the night.
We had a pink Champagne sunrise this morning, not a cloud in the sky. The trio departed expecting a hot day. Two and Sunny are going to clean the next tent and Moks can do some laundry. its going to be a hot one.
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